AB net d.o.o., Domžale
Tell your provider that you've seen the presentation on the portal TransportWays.eu and recommend it to the others.
EN - English
Kombi Van with driver to hire. Good service and competitive prices. Driver speak English and German language.
DE - German
Wir bieten schnelle Lieferdienste bis zu 1,3 Tonnen. Fracht bis zu 4 m Länge, 1,8 m Breite und 1,9 m Höhe. 5 Palettenplätze.
Zuverlässigkeit und günstige Preise.
SL - Slovene
Nudimo hitre kombi prevoze do 1,3 tone.
Zanesljivost in ugodne cene.
AB net d.o.o.
Študljanska cesta 2a
1230 Domžale
Country: SLO. [Slovenia]
TEL: 00386 041 632 778
Language: slovenski, hrvatskosrbski, angleški, nemški
[All offers from this company]Tell your provider that you've seen the presentation on the portal TransportWays.eu and recommend it to the others.
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