SKUPINA EMINENTA d.o.o., Ljubljana
SL - Slovenski
Eminenta FUN ponuja prijetna potovanja in izlete, ki sprostijo napetosti in zapišejo v spomin doživetje odličnosti organiziranega turizma. Ponudba je iz istih razlogov primerna tudi za posameznike, ki si želijo ob pomembnih osebnih dogodkih doživeti nekaj več.
EN - Engleski
Customized and tailor made tours in Slovenia - Luxury travel
Eminenta Fun offers pleasant tours and trips in order to get the participants relaxed and to remember outstanding first-class tourism. For the same reason Eminenta's offer can be also suitable for individuals who want to experience something more on special occasions.
Europian ski safary tour: For skiing enthusiasts that would like to experienceskiing countries like France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria with a profesional private ski instructor...
Tipical Balkan tour: For people who would like to experience Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria...
Pot sodarjev 28
1000 Ljubljana
Država: SLO. [Slovenija]
TEL: 00386 (0)51-635-904
Internetska stranica:
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